Under the Cover bookshop (Issue #2)

Through curiosity, I started projects such as O Editorial (formerly a blog and now a creative agency) or Cabana (an online store currently closed) over the years. I have always been driven by the desire to know more and the will to share this acquired knowledge. Journalists, editors, and reporters alike are known for their restless spirit and willingness to discover the best stories, which are always better when printed on paper.

I intend to celebrate the best of the printed word in the Paper is not Dead newsletter. Through this medium, we can calmly absorb information without the distractions of online articles or social media. The newsletter is divided into several sections: book and magazines suggestions; a newsstand or bookshop; an interview with a journalist, editor, or creative; the perfect reading corner; rare finds and fine objects; the typeface of the month; and off-paper, where I publish the best of online storytelling.

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